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 Other Special Characteristics


Meeting Filipinos is a pleasant experience!  They are a very friendly and charming people, attested by lots of foreigners who got to know them better.  Their hospitality is their most popular characteristic; lots of their people are in the service field because of this.

The Filipinos are warm, loving and are willing to go the extra mile; people care and who support one another. We don’t have to stay in a country where your retirement is a struggle when you can live like royalty surrounded by water, sand, sun and fun!

The Filipinos are respectful especially to the elderly.  Their children show their respect to the elders by bowing and placing their hand on their elder’s foreheads in an act of greeting or to ask for a blessing.




In fact, the family is of primary importance in the Philippines with the respect and honor shown to each family member, especially to their parents.

Older individuals in the Philippines are given a large degree of honor rather than labeled as someone whose life seems to no longer have significance or usefulness. Retired individuals generally feel more accepted as there is a sense of being needed here rather than feeling like an “old worn-out tire” or a “horse put out to pasture” as is the feeling many times when citizens in fully developed countries move past their useful working years.

People in these islands are somehow connected to each other, where conversation and friendship are more valued and appreciated than zoning out in front of the television set.

Many times psychiatrists are unnecessary in this country as there is always a friendly and welcome ear to listen to your problems. The Philippines is home to men and women who know how to live life simply yet have a great time in the process.

There is no place on earth where a total stranger is welcomed more warmly. Foreigners from around the world are welcome and accepted and are embraced in traditional “Filipino Hospitality”.  

This kind of attitude is what we should look for; a place where the foreigners and the elders are treated with respect and empathy, where we will feel welcome and wanted.


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