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Before we retire in the Philippines, we have to make sure that their weather will work with us.  Actually, the Philippines has two seasons called “dry” and “wet,” which are self-explanatory!  But for us prospective retirees in the Philippines, we will say that the Philippines has three, so we can prepare ourselves.

The Philippines has a tropical climate and is usually hot and humid. There are three seasons – the hot dry season or summer from March to May; the rainy season from June to November; (This is the season when it can rain, but is not a daily occurrence.) and the cool dry season from December to February.

Temperatures usually range from 70°F to 88°F although it can get cooler or hotter depending on the season. The coolest month is January; the warmest is May.

The average yearly temperature is around 78°F.

Take a look at this chart:


 This chart was taken from

We can always use the website World Weather and Climate Information to find more accurate information about a particular place in the Philippines


But now we know that the Philippines has a nice tropical climate! 


They don’t have the exceedingly hot days like in Nevada and Arizona or the freezing cold days like in Minnesota and North Dakota!  They have rains in the Philippines, but not as many days as in Washington State.

Retiring in the Philippines is like going on snow birding during winter; the only difference is that we will stay longer than the winter because we will be snowbirding for years!  Those who live in the cooler states are in for a good time because they have a lot of time to thaw! I think we will have a lot of good times!





For new retirees, we don’t have to wear any kind of winter clothes!  We recommend wearing light articles of clothing, cottons, and linens all year. Bring a couple of warmer clothes for cooler evenings or highland visits. Bring rainwear if you’re visiting during the rainy season.

The temperature is like spring year-round in the Philippines!  And if it rains, well, then we stay inside and enjoy a book or watch TV!  There are so many things we can do to spend our time! 




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