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Many people used to be afraid of moving to a new location to retire, just like us!

But when the cost of living in the U.S. is not practical anymore, air travel is easy to take any time, and communications with our loved ones have mostly been through the internet anyway, WHAT ELSE WILL STOP AND KEEP US HERE?

When we are no longer tied to our job, we can now take off for an affordable retirement place in the Philippines that has a warmer climate, where we can pursue our hobbies, and finally, start enjoying our lives!

Selecting a place to retire requires a great deal of thought and planning, like WHERE in the Philippines do we want to be, what kind of life do we want to live?

Many of today’s retirees are opting for city sidewalks over country roads, thanks to an ever-growing list of amenities. Plus, many people find that the pace of city life helps them think younger and maintain their interest in life as they age.

Here’s a video shot by an expat in the Philippines:

Philippine City Life Offers:

“A friend of mine upon hearing that we would be eventually retiring in the Philippines said ‘There is nothing in the Philippines except rice fields and grass huts.’ Well to anyone else who would think that about the Philippines I give this view from high atop Manila?” – Video and text courtesy of


On the other hand, many retirees also prefer the quiet rural life over the hustle and bustle of city life.



Philippine Rural Life Offers:


“The saying about all work and no play makes life boring is very true. When the hustle and bustle of the city get me wound up I go to my place to relax which happens to be in Macaleeng, Pangasinan. With a sunset like this every day and such a beautiful view from my front yard (beach), why would I ever leave? Notice the sounds of roosters in the morning.” – Courtesy of

If you like simple pleasures of rural and small-town life, you will find it here!

There are obvious downsides to living in a rural area. But for a retiree, the benefits can outweigh them. A quiet and relaxed retirement is a lifestyle that is worth considering.

I have not informed Simon of my preference, but the truth is, I am more inclined to rural living in the Philippines.  I wonder what his preference would be?

Hopefully, we will agree on this, so that our next decision-making topic will be WHERE IN THE PHILIPPINES?



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