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Based on my previous post, we have found out that some of those Asian countries have a higher safety index than that of the U.S. Surprisingly, it seems that it is safer to live there than where we live!  

If I eliminate some countries, we can actually put a check on Crime Rate and just choose among the Southeast Asian countries that are left on the list, which are:

  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • Brunei
  • Singapore

Are you seeing it?  Now it’s getting clearer.  We are actually closing in on 5 countries.  It’s still hard to make up our mind, right?
Let us analyze each country one by one.

Vietnam – nice country, but Americans have had bad memories there, and it is mutual!  Vietnamese people might still harbor, even a little, dislike or even hatred for Americans…  I think we can take out Vietnam from the list.  Shall we go to the next country?

Indonesia – another nice country.  Wikipedia says the government recognizes six different religions Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism, but based on data from Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP), there are about 245 non-official religions in Indonesia!  Mmmm do I want to be dealing with religion everywhere I go and whatever I do?   Next country!

Philippines – another nice country.  Religion is 87% Christian, and the rest are mixed denominations, with 5.6% Islam.  So far, so good!  Next!

Brunei – Brunei is predominantly Islam.  I have nothing against Islam, I respect all religions, but I do not plan to modify my diet late in life.  Do you?  Can you give up bacon?  Honestly?  Let’s take out Brunei.

Singapore – The main religions in Singapore are Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.  Seems okay.  Okay, let’s move on.


Three countries out, 2 to go!  Now let us check their Cost of Living.

Let’s consider the cost of living in these countries, using my location which is Las Vegas.  These are my findings today, 4/15/2017:

Based on the website which is a cost of living index:






WOW!  I think we hit the jackpot!  The Philippines will be my next research target for climate! You must stay tuned!






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