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The best way to retire is to do it slowly; where moving from a full-time job to not working at all is gradual. 

We can cut down on our paid days and build up on unpaid activities until the time comes when all paid work has been done and all that are left are other activities which we are not paid for; meaning, they are FREE!  This way we are not shocked by the sudden loss of income or sudden lack of things to do to fill up our time.

Some of us find enjoyment and fulfillment in our job, not only the financial aspect of it.  If we appreciate our job, we look forward to it every morning.  We cannot just quit and go!  It is ideal to gradually move away from these psychological and emotional benefits.

Doing a step-by-step retirement has its advantages:

  • It makes us emotionally ready.  A sudden loss of connection with our co-workers and our work may affect our self-confidence as we become aware of them searching for new co-workers to replace the interests and activities that we used to share with them.  Doing it slowly gives us a time to adjust our feelings and emotions to these changes and get ready for retirement.
  • We gain financial benefits by slowing down our retirement.  Our income and workplace benefits like health care are not suddenly stopped. Due to the part-time income that we will receive, we now get a reason to delay claiming our Social Security retirement benefits, thus making our financial picture better for the future.
  • We also gain mental health benefits, because we are prevented from a lot of stress caused by having a work-life imbalance. Researches indicate that retirees who worked part time before they retired are healthier than those who opted for a quick work stoppage and complete retirement.
  • Slowing down allows us to keep our options open.  While still employed, we can assess economic conditions and their effect on our finances before we completely retire.  Being aware of our condition allows us to change some plans we have made before, but which doesn’t seem practical anymore under the circumstances.

A step-by-step retirement allows us to test the water first before we completely begin the retired life.  Only when we are definitely sure about ourselves, are we really ready to pack up our stuff and quit. By this time, we are already sure that the next step we take is the next step that we really want.


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