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Why Retire to the Philippines

Why, you say?

Because everything we need for our retirement is over there!

• the cost of living is amazingly affordable
• the climate is mild (not too hot/not too cold)
• living is “safe and secure” (like anywhere in the world)
• the people speak English, no need to learn a new language
• people are friendly, hospitable, warm and somewhat “Westernized”
• majority of the people are Christian, so there are no dietary laws to observe
• the country is lovely and the night life in the city is alive
• so many more other reasons!

This little country seems to be the best place for retirement!







Shopping Malls are a part of the life of most Filipinos.  Filipinos love to unwind, stroll, dine and shop.  Knowing these, establishments have evolved into a one-stop-shop for everyone where shopping, leisure, entertainment, health, beauty, and recreation are already under one roof.

At the rate new malls are opening up, the Philippines may be in the running for the shopping mall capital of Asia.

Here is a list of the most popular malls taken from WikiPilipinas:

SM North


Robinsons Place Manila


Robinsons Galleria

Photo from:

SM Megamall




 Shangri-La Plaza









These malls are located in Metro Manila, plus many other malls in addition to these.  In fact, some provinces outside of Metro Manila also have their own couple of malls to serve the needs of their locals.

Most of these establishments already include a supermarket, a couple of movie theaters, a showroom or place for events and promotions, game arcades, fast foods, restaurants, bar joints, health spa, as well as hundreds of vendors of almost everything!

We will try to feature each one and find out what they have to offer.  We will also see if they have something for retirees in the Philippines.

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