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In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we have to retire from our jobs, whether we like it or not.  Some of us have planned in advance for our retirement, some have not.  Either way, we are now faced with an ordeal in deciding where and how to retire, considering the finances we have on hand have dwindled down over the past years.

Suddenly we wake up to the fact that we will soon retire from our jobs, and face a new life in retirement.  Then we realize that this new retired life is way beyond our means!  The cost of living in the US has gone up so much that we cannot afford to live here anymore!

This realization prompted us to set our eyes farther, overseas, to other countries where our modest finances will suffice for a simple but comfortable life.

And then we read about the Philippines.  The scenic Pacific coast, the tropical sun, and the splendid rainforests are enough to tempt any retiree in search of a great retirement place where we can live in comfort and just enjoy the rest of our lives!

I started researching this country for me and my husband’s use, but to share with other retirees as well.  We have posted on this blog about the Philippines, the abundance of natural wealth, the tropical climate almost year-round, and the friendliness of its people.  It is a country whose people speaks English, loves foreigners (what a relief!), and exudes friendliness, hospitality, and charm! Filipinos are very respectful to the elders too, which will be very important for us! The people have strong values regarding treatment of their elders and are very respectful in every interaction with them. The elder folks are respected and honored for their age, knowledge, and experiences in life.

These are the reasons why many foreigners flock to the Philippine islands to enjoy the fruits of their hard work of the past years.  The beauty of the countryside and the low cost of living in the Philippines lure them in, making the Philippines a retirement hub for a lot of foreigners.

Filipinos are shy to promote their country, but the Philippines being a perfect place to retire becomes obvious when retirees start flocking to this place for retirement!

They offer a lot of amenities on top of everything, making the Philippines the best place to retire in Asia!  We can even hire helpers at a very minimal cost, who will take care of our household chores and make life easier for us!  We can practically live like kings and queens!

We have not tasted Filipino cuisine, but a lot of people I know who knows Filipinos, profess that their dishes are good and tasty, not as spicy as the dishes in other Asian countries.  The influence of western culture is also evident.  And, if we still don’t like them, American fast food chains have already invaded the Philippines – McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino’s, etc. are scattered all over the islands!

The Philippines is also well-known for its highly-educated and skilled people.  More than 10 million Filipinos are hired by other countries for various positions like doctors, nurses, engineers, teachers, accountants, caregivers, domestic helpers, etc.  It is the number one supplier of nurses around the world!  People like us who need constant medical care should not be worried!  We are in a land where skilled health professionals and modern medical care facilities are available.

 Getting around will not be a big problem for us.Taxis and buses are all over, and if we are not within major transportation lines, they have smaller vehicles that can transport us within shorter distances.  They call these vehicles as jeepneys, tricycles, and calesas which were created by the Filipinos themselves to serve their needs.  Private cars are also available to rent on a daily or weekly basis at very reasonable charges.

After we have finally decided that we have chosen the Philippines over a lot of other possible countries for retirement, there is another question we have to hurdle – which place in the Philippines is the best for our retirement?

This decision can be made only after another question is answered – where would you rather be, in the city or in the rural areas?  Where would you prefer, being on the beach or enjoying the nightlife?  Did you know that in the Philippines, it possible to enjoy both?




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