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The posts contained in this website are purely my thoughts, opinions and results of my personal researches to obtain a personal objective – to familiarize me and my husband, before we retire in the Philippines.  

I am not connected with the places that I mentioned here, I do not receive commissions for properties or rentals or anything.  I am just showing my readers the results of my researches, which may also benefit and help them when retiring in the Philippines. 

Please don’t blame me if I missed to research on anything that you find important; it may not be important to me, or maybe I totally missed it!  You are free, and most welcome to suggest topics for my research, within reason and related to the topic, of course!

I update these posts as often as possible, but I do not certify that the figures specified here are all current and applicable. 

We are all grown ups here, helping, guiding each other in planning for our retirement.  I expect you to exercise maturity and common sense at all times, whether reading my blog or looking for retirement opportunities in other websites.  Read all presentations carefully before committing yourself. 

This is a new phase of life for us; let us enter it with precaution and care!

Thank you!



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