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Why Retire to the Philippines

Why, you say?

Because everything we need for our retirement is over there!

• the cost of living is amazingly affordable
• the climate is mild (not too hot/not too cold)
• living is “safe and secure” (like anywhere in the world)
• the people speak English, no need to learn a new language
• people are friendly, hospitable, warm and somewhat “Westernized”
• majority of the people are Christian, so there are no dietary laws to observe
• the country is lovely and the night life in the city is alive
• so many more other reasons!

This little country seems to be the best place for retirement!


Future retirees like us are not only concerned with our body’s health but with our dental health.  We would like to be sure that when we retire in the Philippines, we can avail of good dental services easily.  Who among us can say that they can withstand a toothache lasting longer than a day?

Why So Many Filipino Doctors are Smiling

In the United States, the consumer quest is to get more for less.  Hence the prosperity of retailers who offer quality products at bargain prices.  With the current lack of affordable health care in the US, the Philippines almost seems to ignore the cost of dental veneers by offering bargain prices for quality dental work.  Dental tourism patients spending their medical vacation in the Philippines experience prices as low as $75 for composite veneers and $250 for porcelain veneers.  Composite veneers in the United States cost more than the porcelain veneers in the Philippines.  The cost of porcelain veneers Stateside can skyrocket to $2,500.  When you compare the potential 90% cost savings, the bargain looks more like a giveaway.




How Can Dental Tourism Help You?

 Most people want to look good and there’s certainly no harm in saving money in the process of doing so.  The Philippines offer dental tourists that option; a bargain if you will, for their new smiles.  However, the current cost of health care in the United States seems to be a deterrent for those seeking cosmetic dental work like veneers or teeth whitening.  Dental tourism to countries like the Philippines breaks down the cost barrier and helps bring affordability back.  The procedure itself brings back the sex appeal patients once had, or have been seeking.  Although the process of getting veneers is largely cosmetic, without significant medical benefits, the emotional and mental uplift to someone who has hidden his or her smile for years is tremendous.    




Have Your Smile Sparkle, While on Your Medical Vacation

 Many people would be satisfied with having their veneer work at significantly discounted prices.  Others may marvel at the sights, sounds, and warmth of a tropical vacation.  But why bother choosing when you can get the total package including hotel accommodations, transportation, and the procedure for what it costs many people to take a regular vacation.  There’s a saying, “Smile and the world smiles with you….”  With dental tourism and the low cost of dental veneers in the Philippines, you’ll be in a position to test that saying as a world traveler with a million dollar smile…for less.  – Source


Isn’t that nice to know?  Not only are dental services are available when we retire in the Philippines, they also come cheap!  We can have all the cosmetic dental procedures that we wanted but could never afford.  Pretty soon, all of the American retirees in the Philippines will have ultra-white, perfectly even AND complete teeth!  We will have teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, dental bonding, dental bridges, dental fillings, dental caps, dental crowns, root canals, accelerated orthodontics, etc.  Why not have them all when you can afford it?



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